Collection of documents of Malek-osh-shoara Bahar


Collection of historical documents and photos of Malek osh-Sho'arā Bahār

The collection of historical documents and photos of Malek osh-Sho'arā Bahār includes photos, digital documents, and a number of documents, manuscripts and books of Mohammad Taqi Malek osh-Sho'arā Bahār, which was opened on May 11, 2015 in the presence of the Board of Governors of the University of Tehran in Negarestan Garden Museum. The documents and manuscripts of this precious professor were donated to this collection by Mrs. Chehrzad Bahar (Malek osh-Sho'arā's daughter) in a benevolent act to enrich the content. What has been shown in this collection tells the important parts of Mohammad Taqi Bahar's youth and middle age and represents the different aspects of his personality and abilities.


Muhammad Taqi Bahar was born in Sarshor neighborhood of Mashhad on November 7, 1886. His father, Haj Mirza Kazem, known as Sabouri, held the position of Malek osh-Sho'arā in Astan Qods Razavi of Mashhad and participated in poetry circles and speech gatherings. Mohammad Taqi Bahar also got to know the manners of speech and the techniques of poetry in such an environment. From the age of five, he began to study modern science at home, and from the age of seven, he began to recite poetry and read the Shahnameh well. He also had a great taste in painting and painted on the back page of books and on papers, even on his father's valuable papers. After his father's death, he continued his studies with Adib Neishabouri, who was one of the famous poets of Mashhad. He was nineteen years old when by the order of Mozaffar al-Din Shah, Muhammad Taqi was given the title of his father and in this way he became the Malek osh-Sho'arā of Astan Qods Razavi of Mashhad. Bahar got married in Mashhad at a young age and had a child. But both mother and child passed away and he did not marry again until he came to Tehran. He married Sudabeh Dolatshahi in Tehran and spent the rest of his life with his wife. From this marriage, six children were left, who were named Houshang, Mah Malek, Melkdokht, Parvaneh, Mehrdad and Chehrzad respectively.

Political activities

In addition to his literary activities, he also had various political activities that can be analyzed from different perspectives. From 1905 and at the age of 20, he became one of the constitutionalists of Khorasan and started writing poems on political and social issues, which were published in Khorasan magazine under the pseudonym of the students' head (Raeis ot-Tollab). He published the political, literary newspaper of Nobahar in Mashhad in 1909. This newspaper was published for five periods and was closed forever with the publication of the 102nd issue in 1943. His party activities, parliamentary campaigns, and representation since 1914 in the third, fifth, sixth, and later in the fifteenth term of the National Assembly had many ups and downs. The political atmosphere of the constitutional period, the presence of the Allies in Iran brought some successes and failures for him in the field of politics. Finally, when Bahar was forced into political isolation and staying at home in 1928, he turned to literature and followed past studies. Malek osh-Sho'arā in 1307 AH. He stared to teach at Dar ol-Moalemmin (university). In 1934 AH, at the same time as the Ferdowsi Commemoration Congress, he continued teaching at Tehran University and the faculty of Literature and in 1935 with the establishment of the Iran Academy, he was selected as one of the twenty-four original members of this academy. He was appointed as the Ministry of Culture in 1945.


Compilations of Mohammad Taqi Bahar are countless. These works cover a wide spectrum in terms of content. Among them, it is possible to refer to the correction of the exquisite old Persian books such as the book of History of Sistan, Tarikh Majmal ot-Tavarikh and Al-Qesas, Tarikh Kabir Balami, publication of articles in Mehr Iran newspaper, compilation of Qajarids’ expiration date, Divan of Poems with nearly 30,000 verses of odes, sonnets and pieces and couplet and Masnaviat and hundreds of articles and translations in social, political, literary and research subjects. For fifty years, he was actively present in the scene of politics, literature and art, journalism and teaching at the university and left a precious legacy of poetry and prose for the next generations. Some of his works were published in the form of books, articles and poems during his lifetime, and some others were collected and published after his death by the survivors and those interested.


Mohammad Taqi Bahar; is the famous Iranian poet, songwriter, writer, professor at Tehran University, journalist and politician who was born in Mashhad in 1886 and passed away in Tehran on April 22, 1951, and was buried in Shemiran and Zahir al-Doulah Cemetery.