Introducing the Museum of Professor Mohsen Moghaddam

In the introduction collection of Professor Mohsen Moghaddam Museum, with the aim of promoting the good tradition of cultural endowment, it was displayed to the public on January 9, 2019, by the order of the President of Tehran University and with the restoration of a part of his personal household items and the arrangement in one of the rooms of Negarestan Garden Museum collection.
The current exhibition is organized to familiarize the visitors of Negarestan Garden Museum with the arrangement of Moghaddam's personal belongings. Moghadam Museum is one of the luxurious Qajar houses, which was built by Mohammad Taqi Khan Ehtesabolmolk, one of the Qajar nobles. This house consists of different parts such as interior (winter), exterior (summer), pond, manor building (tower), library and office building (which was the residence of the crew in the past).
Dr. Mohsen Moghaddam, the second son of Ehtesab ol-Molk, was born in Tehran in 1900. He was one of the students of Master Kamal-ol-molk. At a young age, Moghaddam went to Europe to continue his studies and studied painting in Florence for three years, then he went to Paris and continued his studies in archeology and in 1936 he married Mrs. Salma Koyoumjian, who was also an archaeologist and returned to Iran and settled in his father's house.
Professor Mohsen Moghaddam taught as a full professor in the field of archeology with the establishment of Tehran University Art Faculty, which he played a significant role in its formation. Professor Mohsen Moghaddam dedicated his father's house along with all the exquisite works collected in it to the University of Tehran in 1972.
Professor Moghaddam passed away in 1987, and after the death of his wife Mrs. Salma in 1990, the management of the Moghaddam Museum was directly entrusted to the University of Tehran. Moghadam Museum House was officially opened as a museum for public visits in 2009.
The house of Moghadam Museum, due to having interesting and exquisite collections such as pottery, pipe, fabric, glass, metal, tile... as well as very beautiful architecture and green space, is always the focus of everyone, especially those interested and researchers in the fields of architecture, archeology, history and art.