Training school classroom


The classroom of the Training School is another part of Negarestan Garden Museum, which has been set up with the old atmosphere and old equipment such as benches, heaters, etc., inspired by the remaining pictures from the classes of the Training School. The history of the Training School dates back to year 1918 and the formation of teachers’ school.

The idea of establishing a training school in order to provide teachers and professors for schools and complete the information of teachers and familiarize them with the new principles of education, established elementary and high training schools for boys and girls. For this reason, first in 1919, in order to train teachers for primary schools, the first preparatory "training school named "central training school", which was headed by Abolhasan Foroughi and its vice principal was Ismail Marat, the former Minister of Culture, was established in Tehran and an elementary school was also considered for scientific teaching of students so that students could teach there under the supervision of their teachers and gain experience for their future jobs. In this school, eminent scientists and scholars of Iranian science and literature such as Abolhasan Foroughi, Abbas Eqbal, Dr. Abolqasem Bahrami, Gholamhossein Rahnama, Isa Seddiq were teaching.

Central training school was in the same state until 1929. In the same year, Mirza Yahya Khan Etemad ad-Doulah Qaragozlu (Minister of Education) decided to use "Ngerestan Garden" for the location of training school, and in this way, 25 thousand square meters of the northern lands of Negarestan Garfen was given to the central training school, and by destroying the famous Qajar mansions, a building with an infrastructure of 2335 square meters was built and its plan was implemented at the suggestion of Dr. Isa Seddiq (Head of General Education) and the design of the Russian engineer, Nikolai Markov. From this date onwards, the number of primary schools gradually increased, and in addition, several high schools were added to the high schools of Tehran, and the need for teachers also increased. For this reason, in 1928, an educational institution called teachers’ school was established by the Ministry of Culture and attached to the central teachers’ school.

Teachers’ school was divided into two scientific and literary parts. The literary part included the fields of philosophy, literature, history, geography, and the scientific part included the fields of medical sciences, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. In February 1934, it changed name into training school. The certificate of completion of training school was equivalent to a bachelor's degree. After the establishment of Tehran University in 1934, its literary department became the Faculty of Literature, and its scientific department became the Faculty of Science. In other words, the training school lost its independence and its administration continued under the supervision of the university.