The collection of Jahangir Arjmand's works

The collection of Jahangir Arjmand's works

Collection of anthropological miniatures of Jahangir Arjmand

The collection of anthropological miniatures of Jahangir Arjmand was donated by him to the Negarestan Garden of Tehran University in February 2012. After initial restoration and protection, designing and construction of suitable showcases, as well as preparation of a suitable place for the display of this collection, it was opened on July 18, 2014, at the same time as the benefactors and trustees of Tehran University attended in Negarestan Garden. In addition to the works of Master Arjmand in the Negarestan Museum Garden collection, some of his works are in the Valenjak Handicrafts Museum, some are in America, and some are also bought by the German Embassy and transferred to that country and are kept there.


Jahangir Arjmand (31/01/1922 - 2023), born in Tehran and a self-taught sculptor, tried to immortalize the cultural, social, and political history of this land in his statues. The statues are all made of Styrofoam, a priceless material that it is safe to say that no other sculptor has used in making his sculptures. Since his childhood, he was very interested in painting, especially drawing faces, and always depicted the faces of his friends and teachers. From the age of 44, he turned to sculpture without benefiting from the presence of any teacher. His only tool is a half-cut razor. Even at the age of 91, his artist's hands bring out a beautiful statue from Styrofoam with such skill and mastery that attracted every viewer to his work.

Master Arjmand’s method of work

The working method of the master Arjmand was such that he was first taking out the overall volume from the Styrofoam with a razor, then with the same razor he was making details such as eyes, lips and teeth. After finishing using soft sandpaper, he was sticking a thin female stocking to the face based on the face color and finally putting make up on the face. Coloring on the face, creating eyebrows, hair, beard and mustache was done using self-dyed wool and, in some cases, human hair. Sewing the clothes, shoes and hats are all done with great care in choosing the material and color of the fabric and finally it is sewn by hand. The tools and materials around the statues were also made using Styrofoam, paper, cardboard, wood and small disposable items, which finally put in their places in full artistry, accuracy and elegance.


Mirza Mohammad Taghi Khan-e Farahani (Amir Kabir- prime minister to Naser al-Din Shah Qajar)


Gholam-Hossein Banan (an Iranian singer and founder of the Iranian Music Association)


A shop serves a dish of boiled sheep parts, which might include the head, feet, and stomach (tripe)


Seller of Roasted Liver


State Theater

